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I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Catching Up and Raising Rabbits

I can't believe it's been over a week since I last posted.  So much has happened.  Well let me start with husband is feeling better.  He had a procedure last Friday and had a reaction to the anesthesia.  Problem was it didn't happen until we left the surgical center.  Thank goodness it was before we made it home.  A quick turn of the car and in no time we were at the emergency room, where he was treated.  The only thing I will say about this is, too many time we are rushed out of the procedures.  How can they know all is well?  Two set of vitals does not make a whole picture.  I'm very afraid more of this is coming very soon for so many other medical issues.

Well back to the old homestead.  We had 5 rabbit pups born last week, unfortunately we lost two.  The other three are doing well and seem quite strong.  Here is a picture of them at five days old.

Mama was a first timer and was a little slow on caring for the pups.  Normally the mother will pull hair out to make a nest for the little ones.  In this case she didn't do that before she gave birth.  When we realized she had given birth and hadn't lined the nesting box, we placed fresh hay in the bottom.  Then with gloves on we carefully placed each of the pups in the nesting box.  We also have dried kitten replacement milk on hand in case mama didn't feed the pups in the first twenty-four hours.  Even though she was a little slow she very quickly started taking care on the pups. Within an hour she was pulling hair and covering the pups and a few hours later she was feeding them.  The one thing you must make sure is the pups stay warm and they were. 

 In the words of number one granddaughter... "My rabbits had pups they are so cute there are three pink ones and one black one.  They are so adorable."  We have had the discussion that the rabbits like the other animals are here for food and milk.  We also talked about the difference between homestead animal and pets.  Tinkerbell, Charlie, Spike, (dogs) Smokie, Babbie J and Kittles (cats) are pets.  The girls however have managed to talk someone into having a couple of the homestead animals as pets.  We now have a turkey named Barbie.

Just a quick note, if you are going to raise rabbits for meat you should have a journal.  In the journal you will track which does produce and care for their litters and how many they have.  Another thing to track is which bucks well take care of business.  Also you should have different pens for the does and the bucks.  Does can and do become very territorial.  She can and will attack the buck.  Also those cute darling little bunnies growl and stomp their foot, so don't be surprised.

We are still on stork watch with the goats.  All four mama's to be are doing well, though we are a little nervous since Capri had triplets the last time.  Oh well it will be, what it will be.

Have a great and blessed day.

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