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I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Wednesday, July 20, 2016


As I told you last week Hubby hit his head.  Well he wasn't doing as well as he should of been so Daughter and I took him back to the doctor.  A CT-Scan was ordered and it was normal.  The doctor did a further exam and found Hubby had indeed suffered a slight concussion.  He asked if in taking it easy Hubby had been watching TV or on the computer more and of course he had been.  So we left with instructions for him to stay off the TV and computer for a few days to let the brain have a chance to heal.  Seems with a concussion the brain has a hard time healing when looking at screens i.e. TV or computer, too much strain.  We were also given printouts on what to look for and what happens to the brain with a concussion.
So what does that mean.  With the heat being what it is and Hubby being down, I'm caring for the animals and the garden but not much more outside.  This is giving me a chance to can and get ahead on a few other things. 
Trying to keep things as natural as possible we try not to take too many prescriptions meds (only those we really need.)  So when it comes to Cold and Flu season we use Black Elderberries.  In the past we've either made a tea or a tincture.  The grandchildren will drink the tea but it's not their favorite and because the tincture has alcohol in it we don't give it to them.  So I went online and found this Elderberry Syrup from Wellness Mama blog.  It's a lot more palatable for the children.  Now I like the tea.  I drink it hot or cold.  I simply brew the tea for approximately 5 minutes and then add local honey I get from the farmers market.  The tincture recipe I got from Off Grid with Doug and Stacy on youtube.
Please remember this is what we do for our family.  I am not a Doctor or any other Medical Professional and I am not advising you to do this.  I don't not make any claims this will heal or help you.

If you don't have Elderberries growing anywhere close to you, they can be found on amazon.com.  When I have to order from Amazon I order the Frontier Co-Op brand (organic if I can find it) and I haven't been disappointed yet.  I'm sure there are other good brands but Frontier Co-Op is the only one I've used so I can't speak to the others.
Recipe found:
Off Grid with Doug and Stacy youtube.com
Fill a jar one third of the way with Black Elderberries then fill the rest of the jar with Vodka.  Put a lid on the jar and let sit in a cool dark place for six weeks.  Shake the jar a few times a week.  After the six weeks strain the Elderberries reserving the liquid.  You can compost or throw the elderberries away.  We take like a medicine cup every 3 hours as need, until feeling better.

Stacy also has a recipe for Elderberry Syrup and it's pretty close to the same if I remember right.
Recipe found:
Wellness Mama
How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A simple elderberry syrup recipe made with dried elderberries, honey and herbs for an immune boosting and delicious syrup. Can be used medicinally or on homemade pancakes or waffles.
Serves: 1 quart
  1. Pour water into medium saucepan and add elderberries, ginger, cinnamon and cloves (do not add honey!)
  2. Bring to a boil and then cover and reduce to a simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour until the liquid has reduced by almost half. At that point, remove from heat and let cool enough to be handled. Mash the berries carefully using a spoon or other flat utensil. Pour through a strainer into a glass jar or bowl.
  3. Discard the elderberries (or compost them!) and let the liquid cool to lukewarm. When it is no longer hot, add 1 cup of honey and stir well.
  4. When honey is well mixed into the elderberry mixture, pour the syrup into a pint sized mason jar or 16 ounce glass bottle of some kind.
  5. Ta Da! You just made homemade elderberry syrup! Store in the fridge and take daily for its immune boosting properties. Some sources recommend taking only during the week and not on the weekends to boost immunity.
  6. Standard dose is ½ tsp to 1 tsp for kids and ½ Tbsp to 1 Tbsp for adults. If the flu does strike, take the normal dose every 2-3 hours instead of once a day until symptoms disappear.
As always have a safe and Blessed day.  Remember share your knowledge.

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