So the dog days of summer are upon us. Though the temperature is supposed to be around 86 degrees today, the heat index values are up to 110. For us that means staying well hydrated while making sure the animals also are well hydrated. There will be many trips out to the pasture today making sure the animals not only have water but cool water. So the chores of the day will be quick little projects, making sure we don't get too involved and forgetting to go outside.
Just as we are, animals are stressed by the heat. Make sure they have shade and water. This also goes for our four legged indoor pets. Today will be a lazy day for them. No outside chasing balls or as our ten year old Spike likes, lounging in the sun. Potty breaks will be all of the outside they see today. Speaking of indoor pets, remember you loved them enough to make them members of your family so take care to keep them safe. Don't leave them out in extreme weather. Please don't leave them in your vehicles. But if you must leave them outside, take care to see they have plenty of shade and water.
Also if you have elderly neighbors or those who are ill, check on them as well. It may take a couple extra minutes but so what. Be a good neighbor. Remember we're all in this together. So the order of the day, be cool and keep cool.
As always have a safe and blessed day and stay cool.
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