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I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Saturday, July 16, 2016


As you may have guessed, not knowing how to do something has never stopped us.  We usually happen upon something and decide it will help the homestead grow.  So in the spirit moving forward at all cost, we're adding something new to Daughter and Son-in-laws homestead.  Olives, or more to the point Olive trees.  I have always known olives grew on trees but I  guess I've never really thought about it.  So I was very surprised when I saw Olive trees at the nursery.  I wasn't sure if they were self-pollinating or not so I purchased three.  I guess I was thinking of decorating because you usually use an odd number unless you're bookending something.  So now we have three Olive trees and I still don't know much about growing them.  So to the internet I go trying to absorb as much knowledge as I can.  If anyone knows about Olive trees and are willing to message me I would be greatly appreciative.

I also thought it would be fun to try and press the olives for the oil.  Again I don't know how long it will take the trees to produce any olives or if the olives we get can be pressed for oil.  But like I said not knowing has never stopped me in the past and at the age I am now I don't think it will anytime in the near future. 

We are trying to make the homesteads our sole source for food or as much as possible.  I think it will be some time before we can think about growing wheat.  Having said that I think we'd need more land as well.  So we will trudge along as best we can knowing this is a life style change (marathon) and not a short term quick fix (foot race.) 

If I'm to be honest about this, as we get older I'm very appreciative of having younger folks who are around to help.  Each year we add a little more and each year it takes a little longer to get things done.  But it is a lifestyle change we are happy to make.

As always have a safe and Blessed day and remember to share your knowledge.

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