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I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

22 FOR 22

You may have noticed I'm sharing a video from BIG BEAR HOMESTEAD.  Big Bear has taken the challenge 22 For 22.  If you are not familiar with the CHALLENGE, let me explain.  Approximately 22 Veterans die by their own hand every day because of PTSD.  The stress and challenges of coming home to civilian life are sometimes so overwhelming.  Many can't admit there is a problem and for the few that can well there isn't timely help or should I say much help.

Once again the VA system and the government is AWOL when it comes to caring for these beautiful souls.  Without a second thought they answered that call.  They willingly stood between the wolf and us and said you will not pass through me.  But in doing so they witnessed such atrocities.  Things no human being should ever have to see.  If once wasn't enough, many were called back again and again.

Please do something for me.  I want you to think of the happiest memory you have.  I would be willing to say you can remember the time of day it happened.  If it was sunny or cloudy.  Who was there to share your moment.  Where you were.  I would be willing to bet you could even remember whatever scent was in the air.  When it sneaks its way into your mind it must bring such a smile to your face.

Now lets change the scenario a little.  For Vets with PTSD it's not their best memories it's the worst.  See they can remember what time of day it was.  If it was sunny or cloudy.  Who was there at that moment.  Where they were.  Oh and they most definitely can remember the smells and no it doesn't bring smiles to their faces.

Many Vets will not talk of what they have seen unless it's with other Vets and then still not.  You see they're not trying to block us out, its a little more than that.  If you weren't there how could you understand and if you were there, well you already understand.

So I've decided to join Big Bear in the Challenge.  I'm not physically fit but I still want to help.  Yesterday I started by calling my Congressman and two Senators and I will call them everyday for the next 22 business days.  I would call everyday but Congress leaves on weekends.  As I said I'm not physically fit but today I added doing toe touches and I'll do that for 22 days.

Please, please consider doing something and taking the challenge.  We have to bring awareness to what's happening to our Vets.  If you can't do anything else please call congress everyday for 22 days.  I'll post a link so you can find the numbers to your Congressman and Senators.  And Thank You in advance.

http://www.house.gov/representatives/ <--------Find your representative here http://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/ <-----Find your senators here

As always have a safe and Blessed day and remember to share your knowledge.  But more than that thank a Vet.


  1. It is so sad that so many vets are so inundated by their experiences while protecting our freedom that they see the only way to bear it is to give up. That just breaks my heart! I am grateful for you and everyone out there calling attention to this horrific statistic.
    Sincerely- Oily

  2. I is horrible and I'm praying for each of them.
