Well it's been a long time since I posted. So much has happened. First let me say I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas, (or a Happy Chanukah). Though it was wonderful to celebrate with family and friends, we were missing beloved family members. This Christmas was the first without hubby's father and just prior to Christmas hubby lost his uncle. Just after Christmas I also lost an uncle. The tribute of all of these men comes from the love they had for family, the service to their country and the happiness and laughter that surrounded them. Though the world is a sadder place because of their absences, Heaven is just a little more joyful.
I was speaking with a friend who also had much loss in his life over the pass few months. Though you want to help and make all the pain go away you can't. The best any of us can do is listen. Hear the stories of happiness and sadness. Our initial response sometimes is to tell the person in pain, the person is in a better place and time will heal all wounds. Excuse my bluntness, bull. Even though I personally do believe most are in a better place that does not relieve the emptiness of the place left behind. Then to say time will heal all wounds, well time hasn't passed. The wounds are very much raw, Time is not a luxury now. Should you really want to help someone who may be in this place, here is my advice. Listen, don't talk, don't repeat platitudes. Just listen, that's what he/she needs. The grief process is so personal. Be as good a friend as you can, listen, your friend will tell you what they need. Don't you be the one to tell them what they need.
As for my advice this and $2.00 will get you a cup of coffee. All kidding aside listening is the best thing you can do.
As always
Have a safe and blessed day.
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