As we did things around the house today, the T.V. was on in the background. An old movie was on and I found myself sitting to watch it. The name of the movie was "Shane". Just a quick synopsis of the movie goes like this. Someone thinks he has the right to run off everyone who doesn't agree with him, meaning give him what he wants. He even thinks he had the right to hire a gunfighter to kill. As I watched the movie I found myself getting mad. Not because an old movie was on, but because I see a lot of similar tactics being used in society today.
Scream at people you disagree with, call them racist, ruin them if you can. Don't worry if it's true or not. Better if its not, there's more satisfaction if you can make people believe a good person is bad. Yell and scream until no one pays attention to the good man, then all other good men stop trying. This is how evil wins.
I keep thinking how long civilization can go on when discussion and debate are no longer allowed. You see this in the colleges and universities, students believing they have the right to stop speech they disagree with. When governments demonize and belittle its citizens for differences of opinion. When some think killing is required because you don't believe as I do. How long can we survive?
You may think this is an over-exaggeration, but is it really? Ask someone who thinks big government is the answer to the woes of the world. Oh and tell them you disagree with them. You'll hear, the poor the minorities have to be taken care of. You hear you are a bigot, a racist, unfeeling and uncaring because you don't want them to have what the wealthy have. Because you think its better to teach someone to care for themselves than giving them what the government thinks they need. Tell them you think the government has become about taking rights away from folk rather than protecting the freedoms the constitution gives them. Watch the reactions when you tell them guns are a right to be protected not limited. When you tell them the federal government is not to endorse a religion but by placing limitations on where you can practice or display religious items or verbiage they are in violation of the Bill of Rights (by the way, that's only the federal government, state constitution allow religion). When you tell them life begins at conception, so the protection of the Constitution should be extended to the unborn. See if they agree the people living in a state have the right to determine who can or cannot be married in their state. See if they even agree the states have to right to govern themselves. Then see if you are able to get more than one of these question out without being shouted down.
So today I got mad. Mad because tolerance is only allowed as long as you agree with the intolerant. As for me I will fight for all to be heard. I may not agree with you, but I'll fight for your right to say what you want. Will you do the same for me?
Have a safe and blessed day.
We are all to be good stewards and stand for our God. Stand for our right to obey our commands. Even in adversary. It is terrible times. I feel it is very difficult to stand for the smallest of things without being fed to the wolves...if that is so, will I crumble when asked to stand for bigger things? My flesh says yes..But God IS BIGGER AND GREATER than my flesh and through it can bring miracles.