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I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Who Needs A Knight In Shining Armor?

Yesterday hubby had a doctors appointment, so on the way we were listening to the radio.  Among the other commercials there was one from FEMA, the department of Emergency Management for the government.  In this commercial they discussed several scenarios, like hurricanes, tornados and such.  They talked about not knowing what might happen tomorrow and were you ready for tomorrow.  Their very strong suggestion was that folks have a couple weeks of food on hand to care for yourself.  More and more you're hearing, if you're listening, the government telling people they may not be able to be there if something goes wrong.  So you are going to have to care for yourself. 

I was struck by this commercial on a couple of levels.  The first that folks would have to be reminded to care for themselves.  When did this happen?  How is it that folks would not know to have extra on hand in case of an emergency.  To have food, batteries, water, extra clothing, medications, a way to cook if power went out, a way to defend yourself if someone else's plan was to take what you have.  Have we become such a nanny state that folks no longer think for themselves?  Do many think the government is the only way to survive an emergency?  How can anyone not have the basic instinct to survive?

The second was that folks don't have the inclination to care for themselves any longer.  The belief that someone else should be there in case of an emergency or not even an emergency.  The disservice which has been done by telling folks we will care for you, don't worry.  Almost as if the government is the knight in shining armor riding on a white horse to save you.

I know being responsible is not in vogue any longer, however basic survival should be.  Planning and acting on the plan is not hard.  I understand folks saying they don't have extra money to put food, batteries and other life supporting items away, but you do.  When grocery shopping remember if it's buy one get one free, buy two and get two free.  When you do this you've started putting away for emergencies.  The Christmas season is upon us, so shop the sales.  Many stores have batteries and little lanterns and camping equipment on sale.  After Christmas the stores have candles marked down.  Some years I have even gotten candles for as little as twenty-five cents a piece.  How about storage containers, after each season plastic containers are marked down because they have not sold.  So pick them up.  Eventually you'll have all the seasons and you can use them during the right season or if you don't care you can use them to put up flour, sugar, cereal and most anything else you need a container for.

Have you thought of the dollar store as a place to prep?  You really should, they have many items you can use.  I have purchased canisters, bandages, aluminum foil, decorations, food, clotheslines, LED lights, batteries, medical supplies, and so much more.  Look around you can help yourself with just a little work on your part.  Don't look for the knight in shining armor, he might have too many conditions to actually get the help.

Have a great and blessed day.

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