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I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Baby Goats and Helpful Friends

Everyone loves to see a new kid (goat).  Last night a friend called to let us know of the birth.  Our buck sired the newest member of their herd (family).  She was beautiful and had her daddy's ears.  So very cute but the excitement of her birth was slightly overshadowed by another recent member of the herd.  Born on July 11, the little one had her first feeding of grain.  Just as we arrived to see the newest little girl, her slightly older sister started to vomit.  Something we had never seen before. 

Out came a laptop to go to the best site for goats we have found, fiascofarm.com.  But feeling a little more urgency, we decided to call another friend whom we all think of as the guru of goats.  She was over seeing her horse and said she was on her way.  Never have we called and she not come to help.  What a great person.  When she arrived in what seemed to be just mere minutes, she quickly assessed the situation. 

The little one was choking, by choking I mean had a small piece of grain stuck in her throat.  Yesterday had been the first day she had eaten grain.  By running the fingers down the neck, our friend was able to feel a lump in the throat.  Gently massaging the throat the little one was able to bring more up.  Our friend held the little one talking softly to her the whole time.  Shortly after, the lump subsided quite a bit.  The little one started hopping around and then it seemed to start again.  So the process began again.  Repeating the whole process the little one was once more out of discomfort.

One little side note I might mention; when goats vomit they don't do it like humans.  Seems they get a mouth full and slat the heads from side to side as a method of expelling the offending yuck.  This method allows all around to know they are sick.  A new and slightly unpleasant way of sharing.

The lesson of the day is; surround yourself with knowledgeable people.  Should you decide to homestead find folks who are already homesteading in your area.  They will be a great source of knowledge and equally a great source of encouragement.  Then one day you will be able to help others. 

Have a great and blessed day.

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