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I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Monday, September 28, 2015


Many of you know I watch youtube.com to learn new skills.  I'm one of the those who learn easier if I see how it's done rather than read how it's done.  Along the line I've found a few youtube channels I like to watch on a regular basis.  A couple of them I've shared with you. 

I like to share channels that encourage instead of well, being what we call Debbie Downers.  There are a few channels I've watched, which talk about homesteading and they love it.  However when they read messages from viewers as part of their show, they can be a little bit of a Debbie Downer when asked about starting a homestead.  I'm not trying to put down how anyone chooses to share information.  I just think more encouragement goes a long way.

As I've told you in the past, homesteading is hard and no one should jump all in.  It's the easiest way to become discouraged.  But starting is easy.  Think of the thing you most like about homesteading and start there.  Maybe it's canning or having a few chickens for fresh eggs.  Maybe you're a gardener and haven't grown produce before.  Whatever your interest, take your time and start with that.  Once you've become comfortable with that, move on to something else and so on and so on. You may also find there are some things you are not comfortable with or you don't like.  That's okay, all that means is you won't do those things on your homestead.

If you're considering moving to a large homestead make sure you're comfortable with the amount of work you will be doing.  Remember there will always be work to do.  Make sure you'll have the time.  Also be comfortable with your skills and those of whoever maybe helping you on the homestead.  You don't want to find yourself in a sink or swim situation and you don't want to find yourself depending on borrowed skills.  Borrowed skills are those where you or whoever is helping you have seen how it's done but haven't done it yourself.

Like I've said in the past, homesteading is the a way of life not a hobby.  It's extremely satisfying and fulfilling.  Giving you a great sense of accomplishment.  Also remember you don't have to do it all.  Maybe at this point in your life you're not able to homestead.   Whatever you're able to do, do it.  Don't wait for the perfect time because the perfect time will never come.   I know you can do it.

Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember share your knowledge.

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