So today number two grandson had a trip to the Emergency room of the hospital. He was playing around in a chair and fell over backwards. He cut his head and of course there was a lot of blood. So much so he had to be washed down before going and have his clothes changed. Luckily his head stopped bleeding fast. Grandson number one let everyone know he told his little brother to stop. But like most little brothers it fell on deaf ears. Nevertheless he got it out it wasn't his fault. This was all little brothers doing.
So off to the hospital daughter, son-in-law and number two grandson went. On the trip to the hospital number two grandson had two observations. The first was McDonalds address was 1600 and the second was he thought he was going to need a wheelchair when he got there. The first was most likely because it was lunch time and the second well this is a six year old who asked for a CAT Scan when he was five.
I love my grandchildren for a variety of reasons but the one that best fits now is, they do not lack for confidence. Number two grandson in particular. When called to the back, mom said lets go handsome boy. To which he replied, "I am handsome." Mom said you shouldn't say that. His answer, "But it's true." Humility is something we're going to have to work on.
After a short wait, he was examined and super-glued (Dermabond) back together. With the instructions to watch him over the next few hours and not to wash his hair or head for twenty four hours. I guess when one is super-glued back together one must cure. It amazes me what hospital staff can do now a days with super-glue. I'm just thinking back to the days when it was first on the market and how many people found themselves at the hospital. Mostly because well they super-glued something or other closed. Maybe that's where they got the idea to start using super-glue.
So home they came. In normal fashion number two grandson walked into the house full of personality. Calling for number one grandson. "Hey big bro I'm home. I didn't get stapled, band aide or, or, or" (I said stitched) "yeah stitched. I got glued."
What started out as a rough start to the afternoon, quickly became full of humor. Learning to laugh at ones situation is the best way to get through life. Without laughter the world quickly closes in on us, making us feel more and more overwhelmed. Remember laughter is the best medicine.
Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember share your knowledge.
Rediscovering Self Sufficiency. Finding how taking care of yourself can give a feeling of accomplishment and strength. Knowing you and your family are not subject to the whims of the markets, governments and corporations.
About Me

- Donna
- I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Many of you know I watch to learn new skills. I'm one of the those who learn easier if I see how it's done rather than read how it's done. Along the line I've found a few youtube channels I like to watch on a regular basis. A couple of them I've shared with you.
I like to share channels that encourage instead of well, being what we call Debbie Downers. There are a few channels I've watched, which talk about homesteading and they love it. However when they read messages from viewers as part of their show, they can be a little bit of a Debbie Downer when asked about starting a homestead. I'm not trying to put down how anyone chooses to share information. I just think more encouragement goes a long way.
As I've told you in the past, homesteading is hard and no one should jump all in. It's the easiest way to become discouraged. But starting is easy. Think of the thing you most like about homesteading and start there. Maybe it's canning or having a few chickens for fresh eggs. Maybe you're a gardener and haven't grown produce before. Whatever your interest, take your time and start with that. Once you've become comfortable with that, move on to something else and so on and so on. You may also find there are some things you are not comfortable with or you don't like. That's okay, all that means is you won't do those things on your homestead.
If you're considering moving to a large homestead make sure you're comfortable with the amount of work you will be doing. Remember there will always be work to do. Make sure you'll have the time. Also be comfortable with your skills and those of whoever maybe helping you on the homestead. You don't want to find yourself in a sink or swim situation and you don't want to find yourself depending on borrowed skills. Borrowed skills are those where you or whoever is helping you have seen how it's done but haven't done it yourself.
Like I've said in the past, homesteading is the a way of life not a hobby. It's extremely satisfying and fulfilling. Giving you a great sense of accomplishment. Also remember you don't have to do it all. Maybe at this point in your life you're not able to homestead. Whatever you're able to do, do it. Don't wait for the perfect time because the perfect time will never come. I know you can do it.
Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember share your knowledge.
I like to share channels that encourage instead of well, being what we call Debbie Downers. There are a few channels I've watched, which talk about homesteading and they love it. However when they read messages from viewers as part of their show, they can be a little bit of a Debbie Downer when asked about starting a homestead. I'm not trying to put down how anyone chooses to share information. I just think more encouragement goes a long way.
As I've told you in the past, homesteading is hard and no one should jump all in. It's the easiest way to become discouraged. But starting is easy. Think of the thing you most like about homesteading and start there. Maybe it's canning or having a few chickens for fresh eggs. Maybe you're a gardener and haven't grown produce before. Whatever your interest, take your time and start with that. Once you've become comfortable with that, move on to something else and so on and so on. You may also find there are some things you are not comfortable with or you don't like. That's okay, all that means is you won't do those things on your homestead.
If you're considering moving to a large homestead make sure you're comfortable with the amount of work you will be doing. Remember there will always be work to do. Make sure you'll have the time. Also be comfortable with your skills and those of whoever maybe helping you on the homestead. You don't want to find yourself in a sink or swim situation and you don't want to find yourself depending on borrowed skills. Borrowed skills are those where you or whoever is helping you have seen how it's done but haven't done it yourself.
Like I've said in the past, homesteading is the a way of life not a hobby. It's extremely satisfying and fulfilling. Giving you a great sense of accomplishment. Also remember you don't have to do it all. Maybe at this point in your life you're not able to homestead. Whatever you're able to do, do it. Don't wait for the perfect time because the perfect time will never come. I know you can do it.
Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember share your knowledge.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Living in a small home you find sometimes standard size throw rugs don't fit the spaces you have. Usually they're larger than you need. Of course you could always buy the large one and cut it. But I can't cut a straight line and I don't like spending money on things I'm going to throw away. There's also the possibility if you cut it, it's going to unravel and well...
But I needed (well really wanted) a throw, so what to do. I went to my stash of yarn and chose the colors I needed. I used a variegated and solid 100% Acrylic worsted weight yarn. With a crochet hook (K/10 1/2-6.50MM) I crocheted two skeins of yard at a time. Using a single crochet I made the basic size I needed for my throw, remembering to leave space for a single skein border. I chose to give the throw an inch and an half border also single crochet. You could put any kind of border you want. I'm not giving dimension's because you can make it any size you want. If you are placing the throw on another rug or carpet you won't need to do anything else because it won't slip or slide. However if you are placing it on a wood, tile or other slick floor then you will need to do one more thing. Go to any discount, hardware or carpet store and purchase a piece of non-slip backer. I'm not exactly sure what they call it but that's what it does. Cut to the size you need (if your throw isn't too big take it with you). Now you can just place it under the throw rug or you could if you were so inclined sew it to the back of your throw rug. That all depends on how energetic you feel.
There are several things that make me happy with the project. The first is I made something I wanted instead of spending money. Always a good thing. Two I made it from left over yarn from other projects and saved money. Third I can throw it in a washer when it needs to be cleaned and fourth it's customized to my needs. It's the colors I wanted and the size I needed.
Don't be fooled into thinking you have to buy everything you want or need. Have some confidence in yourself and your abilities. Remember doing for yourself gives a great sense of accomplishment.
Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember, share your knowledge.
But I needed (well really wanted) a throw, so what to do. I went to my stash of yarn and chose the colors I needed. I used a variegated and solid 100% Acrylic worsted weight yarn. With a crochet hook (K/10 1/2-6.50MM) I crocheted two skeins of yard at a time. Using a single crochet I made the basic size I needed for my throw, remembering to leave space for a single skein border. I chose to give the throw an inch and an half border also single crochet. You could put any kind of border you want. I'm not giving dimension's because you can make it any size you want. If you are placing the throw on another rug or carpet you won't need to do anything else because it won't slip or slide. However if you are placing it on a wood, tile or other slick floor then you will need to do one more thing. Go to any discount, hardware or carpet store and purchase a piece of non-slip backer. I'm not exactly sure what they call it but that's what it does. Cut to the size you need (if your throw isn't too big take it with you). Now you can just place it under the throw rug or you could if you were so inclined sew it to the back of your throw rug. That all depends on how energetic you feel.
There are several things that make me happy with the project. The first is I made something I wanted instead of spending money. Always a good thing. Two I made it from left over yarn from other projects and saved money. Third I can throw it in a washer when it needs to be cleaned and fourth it's customized to my needs. It's the colors I wanted and the size I needed.
Don't be fooled into thinking you have to buy everything you want or need. Have some confidence in yourself and your abilities. Remember doing for yourself gives a great sense of accomplishment.
Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember, share your knowledge.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
I've just read on a another blog, I've created a dehydrating monster. I couldn't be more pleased. One because she has just started homesteading and has started looking for ways to preserve for the winter. Two and more importantly she is my very best friend. So being told I've created a monster is one of the best compliments I could ever receive.
It's been raining I think everyday for the past two weeks. Some days all day long and others here and there. But the here and there has come with tremendous downpours. I've almost forgotten what it was like to walk without squishing. I know the livestock feels the same way. The weather man says the last of the rain ushered in a cold front and we'll have more fall-like weather. I'm looking forward to that.
I think the thing I'm most looking forward to is sitting out in the evening with a nice cup of hot tea. Possibly even a little fire in the pit. If I haven't said it before, fall is my favorite season. I can still have a little garden without the heat and of course for the reasons I've already stated. There is one more reason. AMERICAN FOOTBALL started today. A long time fall Sunday family pastime. From now until the Super Bowl in February 2016 Sundays will find this homestead first spending time with my GOD and then with the NFL. I love fall.
Please take a minute and look at my friends blog, I think you'll like it.
It's been raining I think everyday for the past two weeks. Some days all day long and others here and there. But the here and there has come with tremendous downpours. I've almost forgotten what it was like to walk without squishing. I know the livestock feels the same way. The weather man says the last of the rain ushered in a cold front and we'll have more fall-like weather. I'm looking forward to that.
I think the thing I'm most looking forward to is sitting out in the evening with a nice cup of hot tea. Possibly even a little fire in the pit. If I haven't said it before, fall is my favorite season. I can still have a little garden without the heat and of course for the reasons I've already stated. There is one more reason. AMERICAN FOOTBALL started today. A long time fall Sunday family pastime. From now until the Super Bowl in February 2016 Sundays will find this homestead first spending time with my GOD and then with the NFL. I love fall.
Please take a minute and look at my friends blog, I think you'll like it.
As always have a Safe and Blessed day and remember share your knowledge.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
I can't believe how fast fall is coming. The funny thing is, this first week of September is proving to be much warmer than the last week of August. Nevertheless, getting things ready for fall is at the top of the list. Our dear goats have been quite feisty this summer. The goat house has been gnawed and butted to the need of being repaired. Normally this isn't the case but... Last fall we built a new little shelter for a few of them. I thought we had enough spare piece of wood about to complete it. Guess again, so we used a few piece of pressed board and well as you know, it just doesn't last long. That is with the natural elements and of course the help of a few goats.
Also because of canning, dehydrating and rain I'm running just a bit late in getting the fall garden together. So the next week will be dedicated to getting that done as well. Thought I love the fall season, there is a lot of work that needs to be done. I guess that comes with the change of each season as each season requires its' own specifics tasks.
Working a Homestead no matter how small is a lot of work. Saying that is not an overstatement. But if you weigh the benefits against the negatives you will find it really is a healthier lifestyle. Full on homesteading isn't for everyone but you don't have to do full on homesteading. However you choose to improve your independence and self-reliance makes you a stronger and healthier person.
Choose something new to learn and have fun with it.
Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember share your knowledge.
Also because of canning, dehydrating and rain I'm running just a bit late in getting the fall garden together. So the next week will be dedicated to getting that done as well. Thought I love the fall season, there is a lot of work that needs to be done. I guess that comes with the change of each season as each season requires its' own specifics tasks.
Working a Homestead no matter how small is a lot of work. Saying that is not an overstatement. But if you weigh the benefits against the negatives you will find it really is a healthier lifestyle. Full on homesteading isn't for everyone but you don't have to do full on homesteading. However you choose to improve your independence and self-reliance makes you a stronger and healthier person.
Choose something new to learn and have fun with it.
Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember share your knowledge.
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