Yesterday when writing about dehydrating I forgot to mention a couple of tips. The first will make your frustration stay well within normal levels. The trays you place your food on have grates which you will find are much larger than you think after the food is dehydrated. This allows the food to fall through the grates. So an easy and simple fix is to go to your local crafts store and purchase plastic canvas. It usually is somewhere in the vicinity of the yarn or yarn type crafts. Cut each piece to fit your trays. If you have a round dehydrator you may find you have to cut two semi-circles in order to make it fit. That's what I had to do and it works well.
Another thing you may find, is you may have to let things dehydrate for a longer period. Don't be concerned about that. Humidity, moisture content in the veggies and the thickness of your cuts all play into the amount of time it takes to dehydrate. So if your veggies are not dry and brittle let them continue until done. As I've been told many times, this is not a race it will be done when it's done.
You should also label your jars as you go. Believe me when you have a jar of green beans next to a jar of green peppers in strips, well I think you know where I'm going. Just one more thing granddaughter number one reminded me, dehydrated corn is as good as candy. So just a thought, if you have little ones around or someone with a sweet tooth, dehydrate extra corn. It can disappear right before your eyes.
Have a Safe and Blessed day and remember, share your knowledge.
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