I was just sitting here thinking about the title of my blog. Old Way New Times and I was reflecting on the one thing that made the old ways work. Simply put, FAMILY. Family was what bound everyone together. The word family, went without saying, I'm here for you. No matter who you are, where you are or what mistakes you've made, I'm here. Too many families have drifted apart. Whether it be because of geographic differences or disagreements allowed to fester until all communication is gone. All too many times someone can't or won't accept the flaws or decisions of another, (I'm not talking about drugs, alcohol or abusive behavior.) I'm talking about the things we let irritate us. Ambition, too much or the lack there of. Money, making poor choices or holding it too close. Life choices, promiscuity, divorces, or who someone falls in love with. These things we know will never change but we still believe if so and so wants me in their life, they're going to have to change. Most of the time it's because we want the best for them. Sometimes it's because we feel used or betrayed. Others it 's well, just our own selfishness. But whatever the reason we are willing to cut them out of our lives. Isn't it sad, when you think about it how little slack we are willing to give to the people closest to us. Those whom we share memories, history, blood. Those who know the best way to lift us up but rather tear us apart.
I come from a large family. I have three brothers and one sister. They are some of the sweetest, comical, frustrating and wonderful people you will ever want to meet. Like most families, we fought like cats and dogs as kids. But the one thing we all knew and so did the rest of the neighborhood. We may fight amongst ourselves but don't you ever try to take one of us on. Because before you knew it, all of us were there. It really was a great feeling to know my family was always there. A feeling for many I think has been lost.
We do go on with life. We make strong bonds with friends. Fill the hours with work. Sometimes turn to alcohol and drugs. But we just can't or won't take that step to be a family again. Until we are willing to do just that, I fear we will never find the courage to make the hard choices anywhere else in our lives.
To my parents; I love you. Thank you for the values you taught me. The strength to stand for my convictions. The courage to love and the ability to laugh when life is tough.
To my brothers and sister; I love you. I always have and always will. You make me laugh, you frustrate me to tears and you bring a joy to my life. I've watched all of you grow into wonderful people. To bring other wonderful and funny people to our family as you started your own families.
To my husband; I love you. The one family member I chose, the one who loves me for all the things I am and all things I am not. For fighting for me when I couldn't fight for myself. But most of all for the beautiful family we made for ourselves.
To my children; I love you. You have grown to be compassionate, warm, strong adults. You have blessed us with your love, hugs and smiles. You make me so proud to be you mother.
To my son-in-law and daughter-in-law; I love you. You have brought joy, love and happiness to my children, so you have brought those same things to me. I can't imagine our lives ever again without you.
To my grandchildren; I love you. Each of you bring a smile to not only my face but to my heart. Many of you are too young to understand but some day you will. You make my life have meaning.
To my mother-in-law; I love you. Without you, your strength your love and your guidance I would not have the man I am proud to call my husband. Thank you
To my brothers and sisters-in-law; I love you, Each and everyone of you complete this family. Without you, none of us would be complete. Thank you for loving all of us, when you didn't have to.
And last but not least.
To my nieces and nephews. I love you. You are the unique combination of all of us. You are loving, funny, smart, beautiful both inside and out. You all have hearts of gold. You too bring a smile to my heart as well as my face. No matter where you are or who you choose to go through life with remember, I am so proud to call you all my family.
And to all who may read this, remember without family we are alone. No man can stand alone.
Have a Safe and Blessed day.