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I am a Christian woman who loves her family and tries to live with a purpose. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Friday, April 18, 2014


With Easter just a couple days away, I wanted to share this tip my daughter found on another blog site; theprairiehomestead.com  - peeling farm fresh eggs.  We all know how difficult that can be, with all the pitting.  Many times the eggs look like they've been through a mine field.  Instead of boiling the eggs try steaming them.  I know this might sound a little crazy but I did it yesterday and it worked.   Find a large pot with a lid that your metal colander will fit in (it must be metal and not plastic.)  Place enough water in the pot so the water won't boil away and won't touch the eggs.  Place the eggs in the colander and put the lid on top of the pot.  Bring water to a boil and let the eggs steam 20 to 22 mins after the water starts to boil.  We cooled the eggs by placing them in cool water.  That's when the magic happened.  The eggs peeled just like store bought eggs.  It brought tears to our eyes.  Beautifully peeled eggs with no pits.  How we rejoiced.  We stared at the eggs and thought maybe we should frame them.  Okay not really, they're eggs folks, we ate them.  But there wasn't any grinding of the teeth when we peeled the eggs.

Well it looks like winter has finally retreated, so I'm going to the garden and working for a little today.  Have a great Easter and rejoice in the knowledge that Christ has risen.

Have a Safe and Blessed day.

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